Ceci est une version obsolète publiée le 2024-03-19. Consultez la version la plus récente.

The Movement of Translation into Arabic During the Corona Pandemic


  • أنس ملموس جامعة موالي إسماعيل بمكناس -املغرب
  • سومية بوهالل جامعة الحسن الثاني بالدار البيضاء-املغرب



Mots-clés :

translation, - Arabic language, Corona pandemic, specialized terms


The present paper seeks to highlight the role that translation played during the Corona
pandemic, and it also seeks to reveal the role and importance of this mechanism in making
languages keep pace with and accommodate the ongoing crises that may befall their societies.
Our paper also attempts to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the translation
mechanism in helping languages in general, and Arabic in particular, in keeping pace with
the facts of the Corona crisis and conveying its events and facts.
Based on the foregoing, our paper is based on a number of questions, the most prominent of
which can be presented as follows:
 How was the translation movement into Arabic at the time of the pandemic?
 To what extent has translation contributed to enriching the Arabic dictionary with
terms indicating the Covid-19 pandemic?
 To what extent has Arabic been able to keep pace with the developments of the



2024-03-19 — Mis à jour le 2024-03-19


Comment citer

ملموس أ. ., & بوهالل س. . (2024). The Movement of Translation into Arabic During the Corona Pandemic. Journal of Languages and Translation, 2(1), 163–170. https://doi.org/10.70204/jlt.v2i1.232

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