Assessment in Textbooks for French as a Foreign Language in the Middle Cycle in Algeria: Types and Tools


  • Assia Laidoudi Université de M’sila - Algérie Laboratoire SELNoM- Université de Batna 2


Mots-clés :

middle cycle, assessment, textbook, assessment tool, types of assessment


This contribution points out the types of evaluation introduced in the middle
school textbooks in Algeria as well as the tools selected to implement them. The
descriptive study conducted revealed that these textbooks, in addition to the
ubiquitous forms (diagnostic, formative and summative); introduce other equally
useful forms such as self-assessment. Despite the adoption of the competencybased approach, the assessment of competencies is excluded from the textbooks
analyzed, which only assess knowledge and skills.




Comment citer

Laidoudi, . A. (2024). Assessment in Textbooks for French as a Foreign Language in the Middle Cycle in Algeria: Types and Tools . Journal of Languages and Translation, 3(2), 131–148.

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