هذه نسخة قديمة منشورة في 2024-03-19. إقرأ النسخة الأحدث.

Journalism and Translation: Practices, Strategies, and Values in News Agencies


  • نادية بولقدام جامعة تلمسان



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Journalism، international media، translation


Information transmitted between cultures through news agencies, are not only
translated in meaning between languages, but are also reconfigured, edited, synthes ized and
transformed for the consumption of a new group of readers. In the world of global media, the
definition of translation is being challenged and the boundaries of what we might call
translation have been reformulated. By investigating mechanisms of news translation, we
seek through our research paper to collect a number of foundations proposed by many
greatest thinkers in this field. Today, the so-called global communication strategies, does
exist. Studies of globalization, media studies, sociology and translation have vast areas of
common interest. The question of global information flows is related to the ways in which the
media build news stories, and the transmission of these laters often involves moving, not only
across space, but also across linguistic and cultural boundaries, which makes the collision
between international media and translation, occurs.



2024-03-18 — تم تحديثه في 2024-03-19


كيفية الاقتباس

بولقدام ن. . (2024). Journalism and Translation: Practices, Strategies, and Values in News Agencies. Journal of Languages and Translation, 1(2), 155–162. https://doi.org/10.70204/jlt.v1i2.211 (Original work published 18 مارس، 2024)

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