Saponins of Securidaca longipedunculata (Polygalaceae) roots: Quantification and antioxidant evaluation.
Securidaca longipedunculata, Saponins quantification, Antioxidant activity, ORAC, FRAPAbstract
In order to enhance the extractable principles of Securidaca longipedunculata for therapeutic purposes, we quantified and evaluated the antioxidant capacity of saponins extracted from its roots. It emerges from this investigative work that the contents of triterpenic saponins and steroids are respectively 68.40 and 78 10-6 g/100g DM. Thus, the quantitative phytochemical analysis revealed that the roots of the plant contain mainly triterpene saponins. The evaluation of the antioxidant capacity by ORAC and FRAP methods has shown that the saponins from the roots of S. longipedunculata are antioxidant by transfer of hydrogen and electron respectively.
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