Feminist translation and resistance


  • نجاة فراجي معهد الترجمة، جامعة وهران 1أحمد بن بلة ، الجزائر محبر الترجمة و أنواع النصوص



Mots-clés :

Feminist theory, Feminist translation, Gender, Resistance, Strategy


The feminist issue is one of the movements raised by translation in the late
twentieth century when Mary Chamberlain likened the domination of men over
women to the domination of translated texts over the original texts. Hence,
studies on translation and gender continued making feminist translation a means
to denounce the marginalization of women and their rights. The feminist
translation is a weapon to raise the voice of women and highlight their position
in society. Thus, it came as a reaction to the patriarchy and the male language
which marginalized women's creativity in the literature




Comment citer

فراجي ن. (2024). Feminist translation and resistance. Journal of Languages and Translation, 3(2), 174–189. https://doi.org/10.70204/jlt.v3i2.301

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