Machine Translation in Algeria: State of Use


  • Chaouki BOUNAAS Université Mohamed Boudiaf –M’sila - Algérie



The field of translation has experienced a remarkable technological leap in recent years. All over
the world, translators are using software, electronic dictionaries, and turning their computers
into real workstations. This paper aims to explore the machine-human translator or machine
translation-bio translation relationship in Algeria, by attempting to answer the following
questions: are Algerian translators limited to using electronic dictionaries, or do they use the
most developed software and CAT tools? And do they carry out pre- (post)editing operations?
To answer these questions, we will conduct a questionnaire targeting Algerian translators,
official and/or independent, on social networks. The questionnaire provides important
information on the types of software/tools used by Algerian machine translators, the degree of
integration of technology in their daily work, and the problems they encounter. The results show
that respondents are aware of the role technology can play in the field of translation; they go
hand in hand with the latest inventions and new usages. These results will help to improve the
use of technology, and consequently the quality of translations, in Algeria.




How to Cite

BOUNAAS, . C. (2024). Machine Translation in Algeria: State of Use. Journal of Languages and Translation, 3(1), 71–82.