Comparative analysis between three cropping techniques and no-till for the establishment of forage sorghum in order to optimize its yield
Sorghum, Farming techniques, Physical and mechanical characteristics of the soil, Direct drilling, Dry Matter, Green matter, YieldAbstract
This work focuses on a comparative analysis of the effect of three cultivation techniques and direct seeding for the establishment of a fodder crops, on soil physical properties and the consequences on fodder sorghum growth and crop yield. To answer this problem, an analysis of the various parameters related to the soil (moisture and penetrometer resistance) and others related to the development of culture (the emergence-stand, tillering, the height and diameter of the stems, yields of green fodder and dry matter) has been done. As regards lifting-settlement the rates of lifting obtained are directly related to the technique used: the technique of the direct drilling seems to offer the best rate of lifting with 85 %; more the low level being realized with the technique of simplified work with only 67 %. As for the outputs, best are recorded with the technique of conventional work and are of 90.11 T/ha into green matter and 36.64 T/ha in dry matter for proportion 1 and 87, 22 T/ha into green matter and 33,83T/ha in ms for proportion 2. Most poor yield is recorded with the technique of the direct drilling and is respectively of 42, 11 T/ha into green matter and 11.23 T/ha in ms for proportion 1 and 87.22 T/ha into green matter and 33.83 T/ha in dry mater for proportion 2. In spite of a low level of loss to germination, approximately 15 %, the weakest output was obtained on the level of the direct seeding.
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