Statistical analysis of maximum annual flows and graphic synthesis of quantiles: Case of the basin (Middle, Lower Chéliff and Coast)


  • Brahim HABIBI Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Hassiba BENBOUALI University of Chlef and GEE Laboratory, Blida - Algeria
  • Mohamed MEDDI National School of Hydraulics and GEE Laboratory, Blida - Algeria Blida, Algeria


Extreme Flow, Statistical Analysis, Decision Support System, Prediction, Hyfran Plus, Medium Basin, Low Cheliff and Coastal


Statistical analysis has become an indispensable tool for decision-making in the management of water resources. As a result, a
statistical analysis of annual maximum flows has been carried out in the Middle Watershed and Cheliff Basin. The statistical estimate was made by selecting the annual maxima. The selected stations are thirteen hydrometric stations. These stations have long series of measurements over 30 years old. The choice of the law's membership class, the most appropriate for modeling annual maximum flow rates, was made by the decision support system (DSS) of the Hyfran plus software. The results obtained show that all the series of the stations belong to class D. For the choice of the best fit we used the Bayesian (BIC) and Akaike (AIC) information criteria. These two criteria make it possible to construct a classification of statistical models taking into account the principle of parsimony. The best fit, for each of the two criteria, is the lowest value of its coefficient. The main result of the statistical analyzes show that the thirteen stations studied are better adjusted to the Gamma law.


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How to Cite

HABIBI, B., & MEDDI , M. (2023). Statistical analysis of maximum annual flows and graphic synthesis of quantiles: Case of the basin (Middle, Lower Chéliff and Coast). Revue Nature Et Technologie, 10(01), 01–16. Retrieved from



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