Pi-flou Controllers For 12-Sector Zero Vector Neural Dtc Control Of A High Power Mas
Induction machine, DTC, Fuzzy logic, Neural networks, 12 sectorAbstract
This work presents a direct torque control (DTC) strategy by artificial intelligence (Neural Networks (ANN) and Fuzzy Logic (FL))
applied to the control system of an induction high power machine. The application of the DTC brings a very interesting result to the
obstacles of robustness and dynamics. A comparison of the performance of the proposed DTC control with the conventional 12-sectors vector-free DTC control will be presented. The simulation results were visualized and presented by Matlab / Simulink. The current, flux and torque ripples will be judged and compared for the two proposed controls. As a result, the behavior of DTC based on RNA and FL is more efficient compared to conventional DTC control.
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